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Post Date: 10/09/2018

Quang Nam: Build a half billion by raising white shrimp

These days, to the village of Giang Giang, Binh Nam, Thang Binh district, Quang Nam, go to the beginning of the road to ask the house of Nguyen Ngoc Hoang (35 years old) who just come to a new solid just finished building.

 quang nam: xay nha nua ty nho nuoi tom the chan trang hinh anh 1

Anh Nguyễn Ngọc Hoàng đang kiểm tra tôm thẻ chân trắng mà anh nuôi được hơn 1 tháng.

In the new house also fragrant paint, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hoang shared: Before moving to white shrimp farming, his main job is to go to sea for your ship, the income is also several tens of millions of dong, but often away from home, away from wife and children.

In early 2016, his father advised him to go to sea to stay home to repair the lake to shrimp. Heard his advice, and his father for a shrimp lake about 1 ha wide, after receiving the lake, he began to prepare the lake.

After completing, Hoang started to learn the experience of raising shrimp from the predecessors around the village, after learning a little experience, in the first season Hoang began to drop 20 thousand shrimp white shrimp .

After 2 months raising, the shrimp did not support people, shrimp grow fast, not sick, this case he exported nearly ten tons of shrimp, thanks to the shrimp that he profits more than 300 million.

“After the first crop, I started to buy more bamboo to solidify the shrimp pond, then processed the lake started dropping 2 cases with the number of 25 thousand shrimp, the second crop after sale, I also 480 million profit copper. My father has just sold 3.8 tons of white shrimp, excluding the cost of the profit of 200 million.

Vannamei shrimp farming seems to be more successful than sea fishing, earning four times as much as sea fishing. Today, thanks to the advice of father, family “- Hoang excited to share.

Shrimp helps to build half a billion

 quang nam: xay nha nua ty nho nuoi tom the chan trang hinh anh 2

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hoang added that white shrimp are easy to raise, but also often appear diseases such as white spots, liver, kidney .., should regularly check the water source, check the shrimp. Daily check three to four times.

If shrimp disease is detected must use the correct disease, enough doses to prevent spread to the shrimp in the lagoon. Especially from the beginning, have to choose shrimp origin, clear origin, have reliable brand. If not timely treatment on the shrimp is considered how much capital, workflows are all rivers, pouring the sea.

Mr. Hoang added that raising white shrimp, the initial capital is not much, each case he toss out a few tens of millions to buy the seed, then get the powder from distributors, early season master The base for powdered Huang, until the end of the season after the shrimp exports will pay the powder. Shrimp farming also requires less capital as much as investing in other trades.

“White shrimp shrimp raising game 2 days 10 days is sold, each kg range of 70 children, selling price of more than 100 thousand per kg. Thanks to shrimp price, I earn a few hundred million dong a year, “Hoang said.

In the solid house, Hoang breeze, this house also thanks to the white shrimp farming. If you go to the beach easy to buy a piece of land to say nothing to house.

“After the second shrimp hit, there was a bit of capital in hand, my wife and I talk about settlement. So the couple bought a 200m2 plot of land near 50 million, then spent nearly 500 million to build a solid house. If you do not listen to my father, certainly not get this spacious house then “- Hoang Hoang excited.

Mr. Hoang also shared, in addition to experience, the seed is also a very important factor for the success of white shrimp farming. “Choosing healthy seed from reputable businesses is extremely important. Recently, I trusted the breeding selection of Nam Mien Trung Company (Tuy Phong – Binh Thuan) and found the seed is very strong, fast growing, less disease so I put faith in children Nam Mien Trung Company, “Hoang said.

Not only successful in choosing the best seed, Hoang also shared the breeding address at the Nam Mien Trung Company is located in Tuy Phong district (Binh Thuan) for many people to raise and are very successful. .

Through success, but looking back on the time and accomplishments, Hoang concludes, all thanks to the determination to overcome poverty, persistence and really risky to do things. Every year he earns several hundred million dong from white shrimp.

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