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Post Date: 12/09/2018

Clotting time of shrimp

The effect of knowing the coagulation time of shrimp to determine the presence of bacteria, help farmers have measures to handle in time.

The presence of bacteria in shrimp blood was measured by shrimp clotting time

Blood of shrimp
Low-level animals such as shrimp, crabs, dragonflies, spiders … their blood only have cells that look like white blood cells in higher animals, not red blood cells. Therefore, the blood is not red. Some other lowland animals (such as earthworms, sandworms, etc.) also have red blood, but because their plasma contains hemoglobin (not red blood cells).

Some other insects have yellow or green blood. That’s because their plasma contains a copper-containing hepatitis. Most lowland animals have colorless and transparent blood. Scientists do not call it blood, but just a fluid.

Shrimp time
The presence of bacteria in shrimp blood was measured by shrimp clotting time. To check the blood coagulation time, take a few drops of blood shrimp from the needle and spread on the glass slides then calculate the time of blood clotting. With healthy shrimp, the clotting time is about 10-30 seconds, if the clotting time is more than 30 seconds can show that the shrimp body is infected with bacteria.

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